Canyons to the Sea OT - Fostering Unique Occupational Therapy Experiences with Families Across Orange County, CA

We love our Canyons to the Sea community!

Community Therapy: Pursuing healthier, happier,

more hope-filled lives together!

Community therapy has a double meaning. First off, it is therapy offered within the community. Because as a family, you exist outside of a home and a clinic, we come into the community with you, to provide the needed care and training, where you need us. For example, therapy can be in a park near your home, the grocery store, the library, a museum, at local church activities, a special community event, the doctor's office, or any of the places you might enjoy taking your child but need the extra help. Deborah goes to places that are meaningful to you. During Community Therapy we may work on social, sensory, and self-regulation skills, while also addressing functional fine, gross, visual, or oral motor goals, such as balance, coordination, and core stability. 

We believe that healing happens in relationships. Therefore, Community Therapy is also about building a community of parents and families. Deborah organizes group outings to local events, beaches, hikes, and parks. Parents have an opportunity to meet other parents with children like their own, form friendships with others who understand and share their common experiences, and provide an atmosphere of acceptance for one another. In fact our clients often form play groups, share childcare, and develop caring and supportive friendships outside of organized events! Follow us on Facebook and Meetup to be a part of our Canyons to the Sea Community and join us on our outings! We'd love to see you there!